Kong is a dynamic ecosystem that continuously evolves and strives to achieve its goals.In the future, we plan to create an NFT marketplace where you can buy nft for $KONGS


Welcome to the exclusive NFT 'Reign of Kong' collection! 🦍👑 This epic collection consists of 3575 unique pieces of digital art that rise to a world of digital mighty nature and the majesty of Kong that reigns over the world of NFT.With this collection you have a white list available for Kong event collections.

Space Kong

The Space Kong collection supports gorillas with 10% of each mint. Join us for art and gorilla aid.Kong event collection. 🚀

Halloween Kong

Halloween Kong Collection: 509 Unusual NFTs That Will Make You Fear! Welcome to the fascinating world of Halloween Kong, where fear and madness combine in one of the collection of 509 (NFTs). This collection takes you to the dark depths of HalloweenKong event collection. 🎃

NFT Market

We are proud to offer you the unique opportunity to make purchases on our marketplace using the cryptocurrency $KONGS. With this innovative form of payment, you can enjoy even greater freedom and convenience when shopping.

Is The

Comming soon...

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